Cold/Flu Must-Haves for Toddlers

Cold and Flu Must Haves for Toddlers

This time last year, the girls and I didn’t really get out much. With Husband juggling 4 jobs, me working part time, and a very generous Aunt donating her spare time to babysitting, my spare time was filled with catching up on house work and squeezing in appointments and errands. Luckily for us that meant that the girls really didn’t get their first sicknesses until they were closer to 1 year old.

Flash forward to now, the girls are 20 months (almost 2) and we’re on our 3rd virus in a row. Since I committed to being a stay at home mom, and the girls dropped a nap, we’ve been able to go out more. We’re at Baby Story Time at the Library, Open Gym at the local rec center, and the park. They attend lunch meetings with me, charity events, and dinner with family. The girls have managed to keep a solid cold status for about a month and a half now.

Cold and Flu Must Haves for Toddlers
Crimson during a 3 hour sick cuddle session.
Cold and Flu Must Haves for Toddlers
Scarlett smiling through her first fever.

I wanted to share with you some of our homeopathic and natural remedies for treating colds in little ones. I feel like I’ve found a good combination of what helps relieve symptoms and help them sleep better (always the goal).

I will say, the girls have been on Zyrtec for about a month as well to treat seasonal allergies. Their doctor says this can help relieve runny nose and irritation during a cold too.

I’ve been really impressed with Hyland’s Baby Mucus & Cold Relief products, both Daytime & Nighttime. There’s really no difference between them, except the Nighttime formula contains chamomile. Which is supposed to help promote calmness. If they try hard enough they can easily persevere through that chamomile though…

The Hyland’s daytime cough medicine works so well I forget when they’re sick. It isn’t until their noses start running again and I hear a cough that I remember it’s time to give them their next dose. I think this has really helped in making them more comfortable during the day, and not making symptoms worse.

Hyland’s also makes Tiny Cold Tablets, which can be used in conjunction with the cough syrup. These can be given every 15 minutes for an hour to treat symptoms. I like keeping these in my purse, so I’m covered if we’re out and the girls get sneezy.

The Zarbees chest rub is also a cough suppressant. I put it on their feet and cover with socks (or footie pajamas), and now that they’re older I also rub some on their chest.

The Little Remedies Honey Cough Syrup I actually use to treat sore throats. Their latest virus came with a scratchy throat, and since they’re over 12 months, I was able to give them honey. I liked that this was mixed with water and just 3 ingredients. Yes I could have mixed my own honey, but when time is of the essence, I like something simple and fast.

The Little Remedies Saline mist is far superior to any drops. Since it’s a mist it is a bit gentler when used. the drops are just messy. I also use this in the same way one might use a neti pot. You can do a short burst for just loosening up some bats in the cave, or hold for a few seconds and rinse. I found this worked best for the girls. I also use this with a Nose Frida on particularly runny days.

We also use crib wedges (under the mattress itself) as a way to elevate the head side of their mattress. Which has really helped with coughing. The girls have gotten their full 12 hours no matter what this cold season and I think this has helped.

Along with the wedges I use the Vick’s Cool Humidifier and this diffuser with kid safe blends. I really like the brand Plant Therapy for essential oils.

I think we’re going to be staying in the rest of the month, since I don’t want anymore 24 hour bugs in this house. It’s cold and rainy here in Georgia anyways.

I hope you all stay healthy this winter!


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Cold and Flu Must Haves for Toddlers

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Published by Domestic Musings

Thoughts and Projects From A Busy Mom

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